Junk Jack - The clue to the game's favourite collectibles is in the title, and I've decided I'll try and explain them to you.

Where can I get it?

Junk can be found anywhere in...

Blocks (items of junk - Jack Phone etc)

  • Chests (wearable junk - frog shoes etc)
  • Vases (yes, you can find up to silver attractive models in vases)
  • Mobs (wearable, usable and item junk)

A pro tip you can use for finding Junk items is mining sand and rough red dirt. If you have read my previous articles, you will know that you will also end up with a bunch of bottomless chest pieces.

What can I do with it?

STUFF - You can do everything in the game with the right pieces of wearable Junk, for example; breathe underwater, survive lava and acid, take no fall damage, be completely resistant to explosions and emit a faint glow. Yes, you may think I'm talking about encrusting, but Junk items can give you all of the above without gems.

Also note that when on multiplayer rare junk items are extremely valuable while trading, but my advise is to not trade your Junk items unless you know exactly how much it is really worth.

Looking to trade? A wide inventory of junk will help seal the deal.

Having impressive junk displays really improves the design of a house and shows that the owner has a taste for modern art... Yeah, right.

Very nice house you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.

Extended notes on Junk

Junk items are found in four main groups,

  1. Paintings
  2. Artifacts
  3. Chest pieces
  4. Internet References

There are 15 different paintings to collect, all of which are 8-bit representations of real life work and all are different to the paintings used in Junk Jack. Also, paintings often drop along with other junk items.

Artfiacts come in copper and silver varieties, or at least that's all I've been able to find. I have found 5 different artifiacts so far.

Internet references are basically 50% of the junk that you will find, such as cute cat (nyan cat) and sssssssquared monster (creeper head).

4/7/2016 04:46:22 pm

I need a little direction with this game. I am collection the drops, but as far as I can tell there is no way to tell what they are. Some items I can guess by the look some I have no idea. Any help on telling what things are?


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